Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: Thanks: Default Folder was inspired primarily by the gripes and vision of a friend of mine, Adel Assaad I'd like to thank him for his contributions to both the conceptual and user inter- face design. Thanks to Adel John, John, and John for beta testing Thanks to Paul Mercer for his ShowInit code Thanks tc Baudouin Raoult for his Print2Pict driver, with which this documentation was printed for distribution as "Postcard Thanks Michael Kahl and all the folks who made Think c the most fan tastic devel- opment environment around Four second turnaround IS great for testing all those mi nor little changes you always make at the end Now if could only get the editor work like 'vi' TMON Pro is wonderful thanks to ICOM Simulations If you program and you don't own TMON you're wasting lot of time "Than ...